Techniques for managing time in IELTS Writing

This is quite a challenging task for many who attempt IELTS exam and lack behind just because they are not able to complete the writing tasks in IELTS exam within time. So, here are some tips to overcome this problem:

  • First of all, don’t be panic. No matters what the Task is?
  • Keep a check of word limit, don’t try to write too lengthy
  • While practicing, always devote 15 minutes for Task 1, 40 minutes for Task 2 and 5 minutes for proof-reading. It is the best way to manage your time. When you read what you have written, it will help you eliminate the errors in your writing task, that will simply raise your band score.
  • To attempt Task 1, read the question twice, look at the given picture carefully and plan what to write within 3-4 minutes. Without wasting time, start writing the first paragraph that is the paraphrase of the question and move to other paragraphs providing details of the same in possibly 170 words.
  • Writing Task 2 is comparatively difficult than Task 1. For this, take 10 minutes to read the question, collecting ideas, synonyms, planning the essay, how you will be presenting the collected points with explanation and example. Finish introduction in 5 minutes, Body paragraphs in 20 minutes, 5 minutes for conclusion. Try to write almost 280 words. Now you are left with proof-reading time that is 5 minutes to check what you have written especially spellings and grammar.
  • Practice writing some questions before you sit in the exam.
  • Don’t experiment anything new on your exam day.