The process diagram reveals the method of manufacturing five different varieties of tea.
Overall, it is immediately apparent that all tea types are produced from the same leaf. However, the differences in manufacturing process result in five different kinds of tea.
To begin with, the first three stages of the production are the same for all five variants. The leaves are grown, then plucked, and following this withering of leaves takes place, additionally, the final is identical, which sees all the leaves are dried in an oven. However, in the stages in between this, different procedures are employed.
Moving ahead, white tea is unique as it does not involve any other processing, in contrast, green, oolong and large leaf black tea are rolled as a part of making. While green tea is steamed before being rolled but is not fermented, the other two are first rolled and then fermented oolong slightly and large leaf black completely. Finally, small leaf black tea is neither steamed nor rolled, instead is crushed before being rolled.